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Skull and Bones Update – Viele Fehlerbehebungen und mehr nun online

Patchnotizen zum Skull And Bones-Update 1.000.007 enthüllen Fehlerbehebungen für Kampf, Interaktionen und Benutzeroberfläche

Es wurde ein neues großes Updat für Skull and Bones zur Verfügung gestellt.
Willkommen in der Welt von „Skull and Bones“! In diesem actiongeladenen Spiel von Ubisoft Singapore tauchen Spieler in die faszinierende Ära der Piraterie ein. Als Kapitän einer eigenen Piratenmannschaft erleben sie aufregende Abenteuer in den unerbittlichen Gewässern der Karibik des 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit einer Mischung aus Strategie, Seemannskunst und einem Hauch von Risiko müssen sie sich ihren Platz unter den Piratenlegenden verdienen. Seien Sie bereit, die Segel zu setzen und sich einem Leben voller Gefahren und Reichtümer auf hoher See zu stellen.

  • Zitat;
    1s1.5 patch notes
    Raging Tides is heading towards its climax, with La Peste beginning his last stand in the Blighted Bastion.
  • With Update 1.5, we’re bringing a host of much-requested quality-of-life gameplay improvements and fixes, while addressing key issues reported by the Skull and Bones community and improving the player experience.
  • gameplay updates
    seasonal rewards
    Players who reach Diamond tier by the end of the current season will be eligible for vanity set ‚Gilded Sin‘ Set
    activities & events
    Relocated the activities notification to the right side of the screen over the tracker widget.
  • Tracker widget will disappear when the notification is visible.
    Loot notification appear up and pushes old notifications down.
    Included new notification for PVP encounters.
    Only 1 notification will be displayed for all new available Empire Opportunities
  • Players may select the „Empire Opportunities“ notification to expand the Helm Overview to view the new opportunities available on the map.
    Zamaharibu and Rode Maangodin returns to the Indian Ocean from 21st May onwards, up till the end of Season 1 (28th May).
  • Previously, players had to complete „From the Deep“ contract before being able to pick up the bounty contract „Jaws of Retribution“. After the update, players who are at Kingpin Infamy Tier will be eligible to pick up „Jaws of Retribution“ contract from the Sainte-Anne or Telok Penjarah bounty board while the activity is scheduled.
    Previously, players had to complete „Oceans Apart“ contract before being able to pick up the bounty contract „Anguish from the Abyss“. After the update, players who are at Kingpin Infamy Tier will be eligible to pick up „Anguish from the Abyss“ contract from the Sainte-Anne or Telok Penjarah bounty board while the activity is scheduled.
    Updated number of Rode Maangodin clone ships to a maximum of 4 at any one time, even when players are grouped up while attempting „Anguish of the Abyss“ bounty contract.
  • Increase world activity timer from 10 to 12 minutes for solo players attempting to engage in the La Peste world activity.
  • Added a cooldown period penalty for players that leave Hostile Takeover and Helm Wager after the activity begins.
  • Hostile Takeover: Upon leaving the activity midway, the player would not be able to join any Hostile Takeover opportunities in the next 20 mins.
    Helm Wager: Upon leaving the activity midway, the player would not be able to join any Helm Wager opportunities in the next 30 mins.
    Players can earn up to a maximum of 350k Pieces of Eight after successfully completing a Helm Wager.
  • i.e player carries 600k Po8, starts and completes Helm Wager, they earn up to 350k Po8 for a total of 950k Po8.
    multiplayer (co-op)
    Increase Call-for-Help distance range from the local region to server-wide. Increased from 5000m >32000m.
  • Increase persistent duration of the Call-for-Help notification from 60 sec > 300 sec.
  • improvements and bug fixes
    Fixed an issue where Players participating in a PvP activity with the PvP flag off could not heal other players with the flag off and not participating in a PvP activity.
  • Increased damage dealt by Rempah towers so they pose more challenge to players of similar Ship Rank.
  • the helm & empire overview
    Fixed an issue where the unfunded Manufactory continues to produce Pieces of Eight.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect ‚Supply run‘ material was displayed on tooltip of the Empire Management upgrade „Discounted Supply Materials“.
  • Fixed an issue where an inaccurate production rate for Pieces of Eight is displayed when player tries to fund any Manufactory after exiting the game.
  • inventory & storage
    Contract items will no longer use up inventory slots.
  • Fixed an issue where excess quest items could not be removed from the player’s inventory after completing the contracts.

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