Alle NewsPlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale - Patch 1.02 in Arbeit

PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale – Patch 1.02 in Arbeit

Die Entwickler SuperBot Entertainment haben zum Prügelhit PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale einen zweiten Patch angekündigt.

Ein offizielles Changelog hat man ebenfalls veröffentlicht:

  • A new item, Medusa’s Gaze, has been added to the game
  • View Invites has been added to the Party Bar Menu
  • Voice chat icon added to loading screens
  • AI logic enhancements
  • Network performance improvements
  • Issue where players were stuck with a different character than the one picked has been addressed
  • Issue with matchmaking in regards to player skill has been addressed
  • Overall improvements to network connectivity
  • Sackboy changes
  • Level 1 Super – Increase cost from 100 to 150 AP
  • Level 2 Super – Increase cost from 325 to 400 AP
  • Level 3 Super – Increase cost from 600 to 750 AP
  • Jam Session (Neutral Triangle) – Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 10 AP
  • Cakeinator (Neutral Circle) – Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 20 AP

Erschienen ist das Spiel bereits am 21. November 2012.

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