Dienstag, Februar 18, 2025
NewsXCOM 2 - Neuer Patch verkürzt die Ladezeiten

XCOM 2 – Neuer Patch verkürzt die Ladezeiten

2K Games und Firaxis Games haben einen neuen Konsolen-Patch für „XCOM 2“ veröffenlicht, der mehrere Verbesserungen am Spiel vornimmt, darunter eine Verkürzung der Ladezeiten.


Des Weiteren wurden beispielsweise Wegpunkte hinzugefügt. Der Patch sorgt zudem für unzählige Fehlerbehebungen und führt einige weitere Verbesserungen durch. Genauere Details könnt ihr den folgenden Patchnotes entnehmen.

„XCOM 2“ spielt etwa 20 Jahre in der Zukunft. Die Menschheit hat den Krieg gegen die Aliens verloren und diese haben eine neue Weltordnung geschaffen. Moment! Den Krieg verloren? Hat man im Vorgänger die Aliens nicht besiegt? Kann sein. In diesem Videospiel interessiert es aber relativ wenig, was man in der Vergangenheit geschaffen hat. Und daher hat man den Krieg halt verloren. Tatsächlich hat das sogar einen richtigen Grund. In „XCOM 2“ werden nämlich die Rollen vertauscht und die geheime paramilitärische Organisation XCOM führt eine Invasion durch. Bedauerlicherweise stellen die Aliens eine Übermacht dar und so muss der Spieler auf Guerilla-Strategien setzen.

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  • Waypoint functionality added.
  • World stats are now displayed at game end.
  • Fix for extremely long load times when ending tactical missions after extended play.
  • Reduced hitches when saving during tactical missions.
  • Rendering optimizations for retaliation missions, night missions, and aiming view in all missions.
  • Improved Fog of War and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
  • The flashing health bar from the Fire Weapon action no longer persists after being targeted with other abilities on the Shot HUD in mission.
  • Fixed an issue where a building’s walls will fail to cut away when attempting to throw a grenade near or into a building through a window or door within a mission.
  • Unit status flyover icons will no longer remain on screen during the enemy action cam animation after revealing the squad during any tactical mission globally.
  • Soldier and Staff portraits no longer appear with corrupt textures when viewed in the Avenger.
  • The Shot HUD / Action Menu no longer loses functionality when making a one action move during another soldier’s pathing animation in game.
  • Long soldier names in tactical are now correctly sized and do not scroll
  • The Commander is no longer invisible when picked up by Central in the tutorial of a new game.
  • Unconscious VIP’s no longer appear standing up and conscious when viewing them the turn after using the “Carry Unit” ability in a “Neutralize VIP” mission.
  • Unconscious soldiers no longer t pose when entering the final room during the Alien Fortress mission.
  • Fixed In-game lighting appearing corrupt when entering a mission on a City Center map after starting a new game from the Main Menu
  • Fixed an issue where the Weapon Color would incorrectly display when the User changed the color, exited the character editor, then re-entered the character in the Character Pool.
  • Camera rotation and elevation is now possible when in the Shot HUD when selecting AOE weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Loot Recovery is prompted twice when a Psi Op soldier picks up loot from a Viper during gameplay.
  • Enemy units within line of sight are now no longer invisible when aiming at them throughout the title.
  • Fixed an issue where line of sight on targets will be lost after creating a map asset explosion in tactical gameplay.


  • The Shieldbearer’s Energy Shield will now apply to other Squad units when activating the ability in Multiplayer gameplay.

Anarchy’s Children

  • The user is now able to edit characters that have been created with Anarchy’s Children DLC within the Character Pool.

Resistance Warrior Pack

  • The user is now able to edit characters that have been created with a Resistance Warrior DLC helmet/hat within the Character Pool.


  • Implementation of full My2K service.



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