Alle NewsUpdate Zeit bei Prey Patch 1.03 ist da

Update Zeit bei Prey Patch 1.03 ist da

In Prey erwachen Sie an Bord der Raumstation Talos I, welche im Jahr 2032 den Mond umkreist. Sie sind der Hauptproband eines Experiments, das die Menschheit für immer verändern soll – doch etwas ist fürchterlich schiefgegangen.

Patch Notes for Update 1.03

Further fixes to prevent Save games from becoming corrupted. Fix also returns corrupted Save games to uncorrupted state.
Items should no longer be incorrectly deleted from inventory or world when changing levels.
Fix for stamina not recovering.
Fix for being unable to repair items.
Player should no longer spawn out of level.
Fabricated weapons are now empty.
Fix for humans incorrectly turning hostile. Hostile humans in lobby will be returned to friendly.
End game credits now always skippable.
Aaron Ingram no longer cowers if spooked by a Typhon.
Fix for various problems making changes in the settings.


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