Alle NewsNew York City 2019 and Washington DC and Boston USA

New York City 2019 and Washington DC and Boston USA

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I spent 12 Days in NYC with my Wife and made this video with my yi 4k + and Samsung S9+! Enjoy and please write your comments and criticism in the comment-section below! :)

Wir waren an so vielen Orten wie zum Beispiel:
-Central Park
-Rockefeller Center
-Empire State Building (unbedingt in der Nacht machen)
-Grand Central Station
-Metropolitan Museum of art
-Liberty Island
-New York katz Delicatessen
-Forbidden Planet
-Times Square New York
-Woodbury New York
-Wall Street New York
-One World Trade Center
-Coney Island
-New York Broadway
-Das Weiße Haus in Washington DC
-Vietnam Veterans Memorial
-Das Kapitol in Washington DC
-Boston Tea Party
und vieles MEHR!

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